The health innovation hub transforming lives worldwide


Nick Passey Head of Commercial Digital & IT, AstraZeneca International & 日本


Anil Kukreja Vice President, Medical Affairs & Regulatory, AstraZeneca India



Nick Passey和Anil Kukreja将介绍澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的印度卫生创新中心如何与领先的初创企业合作,解决未满足需求的领域,并开发以患者为中心的可获得且负担得起的解决方案.

合作带来创新——挑战传统思维的突破性想法, push the boundaries of science and help us make a difference to our patients.

通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的A.催化剂网络, a global network of more than 20 of our health innovation hubs, we bring together diverse collaborators to forge non-traditional partnerships worldwide.

The network aims to address global healthcare challenges, increase affordable and equitable access to healthcare, and scale and showcase patient‑enabled innovation.

怀着这些雄心壮志, India is emerging as a top location for technology start-ups, attracting innovators and investors from all over the globe. Now the third largest start-up ecosystem in the world, there are currently more than 63,100 recognised start-up companies operating across the country. 前进, estimates suggest that the Indian health tech market will reach $5bn USD by 2023, and is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 39%, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

到目前为止, our India health innovation hub, 该公司于2019年与全国软件和服务公司协会(NASSCOM)以及德里和焦特布尔全印度医学科学研究所(AIIMS)合作成立, has already partnered with 27 start ups to help us transform outcomes for our patients.

Leveraging innovation to revolutionise heart and lung screening

迫切需要弥合现有保健基础设施的差距,并确保向服务不足的社区提供支持. 为了解决这个问题, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的印度中心, 与Tricog合作, a start-up and medical technology manufacturer, 实施了“心跳项目”,这一倡议产生了积极的影响,已在阿根廷得到推广, 马来西亚, 墨西哥, 埃及和菲律宾.

心脏跳动计划, Tricog的InstaECG机器使当地的医疗保健专业人员能够获取心电图(ECGs)并将其上传到云端, where the data are interpreted by specialists using a purpose-built app. If the screening process confirms the diagnosis of a myocardial infarction, the patient is directed to a suitable health facility for treatment.

平均, detection using this technology takes just three minutes, 并帮助设备简陋的初级保健中心的医生正确诊断了超过17名患者,000 patients – with a total of 9,2021年,发现了000例心肌梗死病例,并转介到三级保健中心接受心脏病专家的适当干预.

心脏跳动项目与澳门在线赌城娱乐的合作将最先进的医疗创新和澳门第一赌城在线娱乐先进的人工智能技术整合到一个平台上. 我很荣幸能与澳门在线赌城娱乐的团队合作,共同拯救100万人的生命.

Charit Bhograj博士 创始人 & Tricog健康公司的首席执行官

Many of our hubs across the network have been collaborating with Qure.ai, which specialises in artificial intelligence (AI) based medical imaging, to detect lung diseases earlier using AI technology. A successful initiative established by the India hub in collaboration with Qure.ai and the health technology start-up Predible has been E.N.D (Early Nodule Detection) Lung Cancer. 使用Qure.ai是基于ai的解决方案, qXR, pulmonologists can screen chest X-rays for indeterminate pulmonary nodules (IPNs), which can be indicative of lung cancer, 并将任何可疑病例转介至同一中心接受进一步的电脑断层扫描. Predible’s AI-based technology, LungIQ, 进一步检查CT扫描以确定结节是良性的还是由肺癌或肺结核引起的. The patient is then referred to an oncologist as needed, where a biopsy will determine the diagnosis, including the type and stage of lung cancer.

以这种方式结合x射线和CT扫描,可以早期发现和及时干预肺癌,减少医院的负担,同时限制患者的等待时间. 因此,作为E的一部分.N.D肺癌, 目标是到2024年在印度排名前60位的三级和区域癌症护理中心部署基于人工智能的解决方案,以最大限度地发挥早期发现肺癌的好处.

除了, along with many other flagship digital programmes that we are co‑pioneering globally, we recently announced our commitment to join the World Economic Forum (WEF) EDISON Alliance -这一伙伴关系旨在到2025年通过数字包容改善10亿人的生活. As part of the WEF EDISON Alliance’s 1 Billion Lives Challenge, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐承诺通过与quure的合作,到2025年筛查500万患者.ai.

Qure.ai aims to make healthcare accessible and equitable for everyone. The partnership between Qure.ai和澳门在线赌城娱乐正在帮助利用并扩大澳门第一赌城在线娱乐基于ai的解决方案的使用,以改善肺癌的早期检测, reduce mortality rates and enhance patient outcomes, not just in India but eventually across the world.

Prashant谨慎 quure创始人兼首席执行官.ai

India-Sweden Healthcare Innovation Centre

在印度各地的诊所和医院加速采用创新医疗保健解决方案, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还建立了印度-瑞典医疗保健创新中心,这是瑞典贸易专员办公室之间的合作, AIIMS New Delhi and AIIMS Jodhpur. The centre aims to make healthcare more accessible, affordable and patient-centric, 并为印度和外国创新者提供一个平台,与领先的医生并肩工作,确保他们的解决方案适合现实世界的医疗环境.

Global Innovation and Technology Centre

印度中心也在试用澳门第一赌城在线娱乐位于金奈的全球创新与技术中心(GITC)开发的新解决方案. One of the largest technology centres across the life sciences industry in the country, GITC aims to bring technology, innovation and people to the forefront in order to advance our science, anticipate patient needs and drive us towards a digitally enabled future.

GITC is playing an increasingly critical role in leading innovation. 我期待着将GITC与印度中心之间的合作提升到一个新的水平——利用印度蓬勃发展的生态系统的力量,为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的患者带来最终的利益.

湿婆Padmanabhan VP, IT Enterprise Capabilities & 解决方案(ECS) & GTC印度公司负责人

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐印度创新中心的成功案例证明,在有影响力的伙伴关系的推动下,通过尖端解决方案可以取得什么成就. 我对这个中心的潜力感到非常兴奋,它可以帮助塑造一个每个人都能负担得起的未来, equitable and sustainable healthcare.

Gagandeep辛格 Country President, AstraZeneca India


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的最终目标是在患者的整个旅程中加强和适应未来的卫生系统, 确保每个人都能公平和负担得起地获得他们所需的改变生活的医疗保健解决方案, regardless of where they live. But as the India hub demonstrates, innovation doesn’t happen in isolation. 通过与初创企业合作,创造可持续的尖端解决方案,释放科学的力量, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以朝着澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的愿景努力,在全球范围内建立综合医疗保健系统,并在全球范围内改变患者的治疗结果.

If you share our ambition to shape the future of healthcare through innovation, then we want to hear from you. Whether you’re a start-up, academic organisation or large company, apply to become our next partner on our A.催化剂网络 Portal.


  • 合作

Veeva ID: Z2-2985
Date of preparation: June 2022